PM Network cover Feb 2014
PM Network cover Feb 2014

Source: Remote Project Communication Roadblocks

An Article in PM Network Magazine February 2014 that Greg Mester was interviewed for. To read the entire article you will need your PMI membership number. Below are some of the quotes from the article.

Time Zones

…With mobile members on the go, project managers have to handle not just different time zones but changing ones. To clarify who’s where and when, Greg Mester, PMI-ACP, PMP, makes sure all team members synchronize their calendars so they all know each person’s time zone and availability on a particular day. He also uses instant-messaging or chat software that shows who is at their computers. “This allows everyone to know if someone is in, and then they can chat or call to discuss thoughts or questions,” says Mr. Mester, program and agile projects manager in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA for Worldgate LLC.

Dead Zones

On the other hand, being unreachable for a few hours can be a help rather than a hindrance. “I actually enjoy my dead zones because they provide me a chance to clear my head or think about the future,” Mr. Mester says. “Dead zones are perfect places to pull your head out of the day-to-day stuff and work on planning and growth.”

Missed Requests

The stresses of travel can compound misunderstandings. “While traveling, things can be hectic, so I try not to send emails on controversial items,” says Greg Mester, PMI-ACP, PMP, Worldgate LLC, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. And when e-communication hits a snag, he too takes the conversation offline. “If an email does mess things up, I usually make a call as soon as the email traffic starts picking up in a bad way.”