Agile Home Project WIP
Agile Home Project WIP

Just for Fun and Practice…Agile Project Management…For those who have a Million Ideas or Home Projects. Try applying the Agile Work In Process (WIP) methodology to your efforts.

First list all your ideas or projects in to the To Do Backlog column on the left. Then create a middle Work In Process (WIP) column and limit it to 5 projects or less to be allowed in the WIP column. This way if you have 5 projects in process the only way you can start a new one is to complete one and move it to the Done column on the right. Typically one could use sticky notes on a white board. Or I sometimes just create a simple spreadsheet. A simple practice of Agile Techniques. Now it is time to move stuff into the Done Column.

Agile Home Project WIP
Agile Home Project WIP